Friday 3 May 2013

Fasa 1

Seminggu suda sy tinggalkan sekolah tu. Selama sebulan sy d sana banyak kenangan dan pengalaman yang buat sy semakin bertambah tabah dan kuat. With my partner Bee, sy happy dapat berpartner dan bekerjasama sama ko. Thanks for being my good listener, guider and driver sepanjang kita bersama. Hehe. 

With my Bee also known as Raffizah

Picture on 18|04|2013

Syukur, sebab sudah selesai untuk fasa 1 ni. Good Job and Well Done HANNY!! sy mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk praktikum yang akan datang, mudah2han dipermudahkan jalan. Amen

I know, this girl will stay stand strong

Terasa rindu pula sama mereka mereka yg sy selalu panggil kakak dan paling sy rindu of course la the childrens yg sweet, cute lg nakal. Kesian, sy jadi garang ba sama dorang, bukan pa, mesti mo garang nti dorang nda pndai dengar cakap sy. Don't worry children, ada masa kita main, dan ada masa untuk belajar bah kan..garang-garang gini tetap ada rasa sayang di hati. Bertuah la kan. . .
Okay no ego for now! I miss u all children!! 

 I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they posses inside, give them a sense of pride to make it easier let the children's laughter
remind us how we used to be 
-Whitney Houston- 

The girls

The boys

Kanak-kanak dalam kelas sy seramai 36 orang. WOW sy rasa hebat!

 Kakak-kakak yg sporting berabiss!
(cikgu Pra dan PPM)

 Guess what! I can't stop mention this cute guy (R)

Kids with "Abang Magic" on their Birthday Party.
Thanks for coming!

Last day, sebelum sy beredar dari sekolah tu, i gave this gift to the children. Harap dorang ingat sy sampai bila2. aiseh! hehe! Sy letak gambar gitar sebab dorang kenal dan rapat sama sy melalui gitar dan lagu yg kena main semasa P&P . Even i'm not a good guitarist, but hope this will remind them about me.

Handmade by me. 

Precious moments means you all will be part of my chapter in my life.

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