Wednesday 22 May 2013

My Angel My Friend

When I have no one to turn to, 
and I am feeling kind of low,
when there is no one to talk to
and nowhere I want to go,
I search deep within myself
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there
Even though we are miles apart.

A smile then appears upon my face
And the sun begins to shine.
I hear a voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, "Everything will be just fine"
It may seems that I am alone
But I am never by myself at all.
whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.

An Angel's love is always true
On that you can depend.
They will always stand behind you
And will always be your friend.
Though darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angel's see us through
They smile when we are happy, and will cry when we are blue.

Thanks for being my Angel my friend

We may not be like before as we are now..
We may not be able to hang out often and 
we may have different companions
but I just want you to know that I did not stop
and will never stop being your friend
A friend you don't always see but you do always have

Friends never fade forever
I will always love you in Christ
and that is Amen.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Si Tebal Kening

Adakah sy perasantut skijap?? suka-suka ja kc banding gambar orang kan. Masing-masing ada pandangan . Jadi pandangan sy tentang gambar ini kabur2 ni tapi buli la. Give you 80% sbb seakan seperti mu. Sanggup lagi tu sy mencari gambar-gambar d tengah malam buta ni. Hehe 

This is my buddy, u can guess which one.  

Kebetulan dua-dua nama capital "M" (biarlah rahsia)
Okay, I miss this guy.

Monday 13 May 2013

My little Faith

I wanna say thank God untuk semua yang terjadi dalam hidup sy. Meskipun sy sering putus asa, lemah dan tida kuat untuk jalani hidup ini, Engkau tetap menyertai. Dunia sering menghakimi tapi Engkau tetap mengasihi. Ajar sy untuk mengasihi di saat diri sy juga dihakimi, dan ajar sy untuk mengampuni di saat sy di sakiti. Sy berdoa dengan sungguh...

Kata dunia, sakit ini mungkin tida dapat sembuh. Mungkin saat ini, sy tida mengerti mengapa ini semua terjadi dalam hidup sy, tapi sy tida akan berputus asa dan tida akan putus harapan. Sy perlu buang rasa ini jauh dari lubuk hati sy. Sy percaya suatu hari nanti, sy pasti sembuh, sementara menunggu saat itu, sy tida akan pernah berhenti untuk bersyukur dan memuji Dia.  Jika direnungkan semula, masih terlalu banyak sakit yang lebih parah dalam dunia ini jika dibandingkan dengan sakit ini. Sy mampu bersyukur dalam masa yg sama sy mendoakan mereka yg menghidap pnyakit , apapun jenis penyakit, semoga penghiburan tetap ada dalam hati mereka. Semoga harapn tetap bersinar dalam hidup mereka. Tuhan mengerti dan Dia sangat peduli.

Orang sering kali datang dan pergi dalam hidup. Keadaan ini buat sy rasa kecewa dan sy sedih tapi sy mampu berdiri semula kerna Dia beserta sy dan membuat sy selalu mengerti bahawa semua yang terjadi pasti ada sebab. sy tida perlu risau bah kan.. I am not alone, I have my family, and i have Him.

Pasal love story sy? sy tida tau mo cakap apa. sy tida konfiden mo ckp pasal ni. yes, my heart told me that i'm still single, but i'm not available. org tanya, org mcm sy mustahil teda boipren. .tp teda yg mustahil tau. mcm sy ckp td, people come and go. . it means, maybe my future husband not exist in front of me yet. yeah, in a same time, i'm not ready for love. not heal yet from the hurt before. But i have the other girl need.. semoga dia mampu menerima sy seadanya, mampu menerima setiap kelemahan sy, dan yang paling penting dia love Jesus more than me.. semua ni sy bawa dlm pray jga.

Susah mo kc maaf orang yg menyakitkan hati kita. Sy bukan manusia sempurna, sy pun tida lepas dari buat kesilapan. Sy cuba memafkan tapi itu semua ambil masa.. Untuk semua itu, sy sentiasa berusaha bukan jadi yg sempurna seperti malaikat, tapi menjadi dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk kepentingan bersama. I will do everything with love termasuk kc maaf kamu-kamu-kamu..when i forgive, i forget. trust me i can struggle for it. That's what i'm trying to do now..

I love to share this little faith of me. People out there, please don't lose hope if you got a big problem or something bad had change your life or the trial much bigger than you can't handle it. Its hard to stay and tell your self to be strong but at least you try to accept and give thanks for all the blessing that you've got since you live your life. Give thanks in any condition, good or worst. That is the beginning of peace and love in your heart. 

I choose Pray and have Faith. 

Monday 6 May 2013

Try. Test. Cuba

Bah, sy try test cuba ja ni. First time cover lagu guna keyboard. Budak baru belajar jga ni jadi abaikan kalau cara main nda ngam. Kod pun yang paling simple sudah tu. Hehe
Main guna "hearing" ja lagi ni. Yang penting ada la kan drpada teda.
Okay, sy rasa lucu pla. Sini sy test-test nyanyi sy punya versi sendiri 
Price Tag medley with Where is The Love.
Buli bah kan gitu? Hehe

Try. Test. Cuba


Sunday 5 May 2013

Temporary Tattoos

See what i did to myself? I have my own tattoo! mission complete! kunun.. Hehe. . 
Don't worry this is just a temporary tattoo it will b vanish after a few days. I guess. .  well, i feel bored today since nothing to do, this is what I did.                    
Those who never know me,  I am butterfly and angel wings lover. They attracts my attention actually.
Just that, never saw a real angel with their wings. But I believe they were exist. Hehe 
Tattoos lover??  
.  Love to put on it but never wish to have the real one.
just for fun! Please agreed ? it looks nice right? 

Friday 3 May 2013

Fasa 1

Seminggu suda sy tinggalkan sekolah tu. Selama sebulan sy d sana banyak kenangan dan pengalaman yang buat sy semakin bertambah tabah dan kuat. With my partner Bee, sy happy dapat berpartner dan bekerjasama sama ko. Thanks for being my good listener, guider and driver sepanjang kita bersama. Hehe. 

With my Bee also known as Raffizah

Picture on 18|04|2013

Syukur, sebab sudah selesai untuk fasa 1 ni. Good Job and Well Done HANNY!! sy mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk praktikum yang akan datang, mudah2han dipermudahkan jalan. Amen

I know, this girl will stay stand strong

Terasa rindu pula sama mereka mereka yg sy selalu panggil kakak dan paling sy rindu of course la the childrens yg sweet, cute lg nakal. Kesian, sy jadi garang ba sama dorang, bukan pa, mesti mo garang nti dorang nda pndai dengar cakap sy. Don't worry children, ada masa kita main, dan ada masa untuk belajar bah kan..garang-garang gini tetap ada rasa sayang di hati. Bertuah la kan. . .
Okay no ego for now! I miss u all children!! 

 I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they posses inside, give them a sense of pride to make it easier let the children's laughter
remind us how we used to be 
-Whitney Houston- 

The girls

The boys

Kanak-kanak dalam kelas sy seramai 36 orang. WOW sy rasa hebat!

 Kakak-kakak yg sporting berabiss!
(cikgu Pra dan PPM)

 Guess what! I can't stop mention this cute guy (R)

Kids with "Abang Magic" on their Birthday Party.
Thanks for coming!

Last day, sebelum sy beredar dari sekolah tu, i gave this gift to the children. Harap dorang ingat sy sampai bila2. aiseh! hehe! Sy letak gambar gitar sebab dorang kenal dan rapat sama sy melalui gitar dan lagu yg kena main semasa P&P . Even i'm not a good guitarist, but hope this will remind them about me.

Handmade by me. 

Precious moments means you all will be part of my chapter in my life.