Monday 28 October 2013

A Walk to Remember

Hari ini sy rasa amat busan! Sy punya karaja ni ari kc sot kapala sama ni gmbr2. Here we go, with my buddy Marklister a.k.a Stefanus mencipta kegilaan bersama. Maklumla ini org mo lari suda nanti kn. Jd mo create the moment la kunu ni kami. Ni ja yg ada. . hehe. Ouh ya, segala dialog dan visual tidak ada kaitan dengan yang hidup dan yang mati. Boleh dan sesuai ditonton oleh semua lapisan masyarakat (U). 



3, 2 ,1 action!


Credit to Nicholas a.k.a bom-bom for the shoot|flash for snaping those pictures.  
For my buddy, Mark, thanks for making moment with me . May God bless our friendship and 
remember itu don't forget, 
walaupun ko gotuk dan palui-palui
I will always love u in Christ.
Have a blessed journey in your life.


Sunday 20 October 2013

My Guy

“The guy who loves Jesus will worship with you. He’ll pray for you, he’ll pray with you. He will lead you with strong hands, stand up when you can’t… but remind you that only God can satisfy.”

"How blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, because it is they who will be satisfied!" (Matthew 5:6 ISV)

- Spiritually Single -

Monday 14 October 2013


I dedicated this beautiful message for my friends out there. 
Hoping back that you will get something same as me by reading this.
These message had touch me deep and taught me a lot.
Written by:
Kaelin Cory

Some of you cringe at the word, while others blissfully ponder it. I wanted to write this entry because I know a lot of people who struggle with friendships and I know how it feels first-hand...

Up to this point in my life, I have always struggled with friendships. I would look at other girls in my school or church and think, "Why can't I have a friendship like that?" "Why is it just so hard?". I knew a lot of the reason as to why I was short of true friends was because I am different. That's how God created me to be. Being "set apart" doesn't mean alone. Though on some occasions, they seem to go hand-in-hand. Through seasons of your life, the people and circumstances (and sometimes even the scenery) will change. And you will change too. Especially if you have let God have full control in your life to do as He pleases. I have had friendships of all kinds... Ones that were one-sided, negative, short-term, or anywhere in between. Because of all that life throws at you, friends will come and go. I will never forget something my dad told me in 7th grade when I was broken hearted in the ruins of a friendship. He said, "God brings friends in and out of your life in seasons. You needed her for that season, and now He will bring someone else." I have held onto those words tighter than I think he knows. If you are struggling with friendships in your life right now, take a step back... Do you consider yourself "friends" with God? I know, I know. He isn't physically here and that makes it hard, but He desires to be your best friend. And He is the BEST friend. He will never let you down, never disappoint, and never leave your side. He desires to be your best friend through daily conversation, worship, and through reading His Word. Here are some simple things that have helped me through hard times when a true, true friend seemed a distant thing:

1) Surrender- surrender your whole self to the Lord. All of your problems, imperfections, and mistakes. Where you currently are, and where you want to be. It's never easy, and surrender is never a one-time thing.

2) Take Action- Surrender isn't enough. Surrender in the dictionary is defined as both "to abandon self entirely" AND "give up or hand over a person, right or possession". This means after surrender comes action. This may also mean that you must let go of some friendships that are holding you down.

3) Pray Pray Pray- I don't just believe, I KNOW passionate, persistent prayer works. My friendships are living proof of it. For YEARS I prayed and cried out to the Lord that He would bring someone into my life who would help me walk out my faith everyday. And He has provided.

We were all made for relationships. Our Creator designed us to not walk this road alone. There will be MANY people in your life who will come in and out and shape you into who you are... but I am believing God will send you someone who will stick closer than a brother and bring joy into your life. It will not be easy. Start by being honest with God and using the three simple pieces of advice in this entry. Most of all, I pray through this season in your life, you will learn what it is truly like to lean on Him, and allow Him to fill every part of your heart.

About the Author:
Kaelin Cory is a girl in pursuit of God's heart. This blog will be a direct reflection of her wandering heart and the adventures He takes her on. She believe He honors those who give it their best shot. So what do you say? The journey will be long and sometimes hard, but lets trust Him to take us where our feet may fail. Follow Kaelin's

A message for a Men and Women

" I am Awesome " a message for the ladies!

" I am Awesome " a message for the guys!

Sunday 13 October 2013

Damn Feeling!!

God!!!!! Help me, I can't figure this out.
This is just too far from my expectation
This is too tough for me.
I need You!!!!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Dear Diary. .

Sy mengantuk tp tida dapat lelap ni mata. Fikir punya fikir , last2 cari something. 
Mcm lama suda tida buka ni diary sy, tiba2 rasa mau buka ni malam. Jadi, pa lg setiap page sy baca, aHaa bikin ketawa pun ada , bikin menangis pun ada..aikk ada lg yg bikin malu. Ble ka? Hehe
macam-macam ada!
Sini la sy kc luah semua feeling sy kunun yg nda boleh di luah secara public.
kira Sdn. Bhd la bah ni punya cerita.
So, ni malam. . memandangkan sy rasa alone sgt, + byk fikiran, bah apa lg. . start la ni tangan menulis.

Dear Diary. . . .